In the category Fresh Folds I show you what I folded recently.
Winged Heart by Francis Ow
I folded this because Valetines is comming up and also I promised a video tutorial of this model to a few people for over a year now. (The recording is done now)
But to the model itself: I’m not a big fan of cheesy origami so that is probably why I have mixed feelings about this fold. Still I found the folding sequence rather interesting especially the way it includes somewhat a windmill-base and the colour change is done. It was interesting to find out there is also a version of this with one color that had a very different folding sequence in the diagram and hasn’t got the extra layer on the wings (I can’t link it due to copyright) If everything goes well there will be a video of this fold within a week. Mr. Ow already granted me permission to do so.