Category Archives: origami

Origami Cat Instructions

This cute cat is a little more challenging. Unfortunately I don’t know who designed it, but I really like it. I planed to make an instructional origami video of this cat for years. It took the mess of 2020 to finaly get around it. Hope you enjoy.

an origami sloth folded from paper hanging from a tree branch

Origami Sloth

The origami sloth by Anita Boubour is based on the frog based and takes a little longer to fold. A patiente Beginner can probably fold it, but I recommend a little folding experice in advance before trying this fold.

Design Anita Boubour
Material  quadratic sheet
Difficulty low intermediate
Time to fold about 15 minutes
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Origami – from ancient tradition to global artfrom

Diffusion of Origami into the U.S. and Germany in the 1980

I wrote a paper on why Origami became popular in Germany and the United States in the 1980. This paper was part of my studies of sociology, I hope fellow folders find my argument compelling.

My Idea was that the succes of Origami in the west is linked to Japans economic boom, not due to developments of origami itself.


The first chapter describes the development of paper-folding as a craft itself and the history of its adoption in Germany and the U.S. This is followed by a section that applies the theory of the diffusion of innovation to the popularisation of origami. The next chapter uses this theory to argue for a sociological explanation for the timing of the popularisation of origami. The subsequent conclusion summarises the argument. Finally a small amount of figures that were used in the main-chapter is reproduced, to be followed by a list of references.


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Origami Goat by Peterpaul Forcher

How to make an Origami Goat

origami goat

follow the easy Video instructions to make your own Origami Goat with just one sheet of paper. No cuts, no glue needed!

About the Model

the Origami Goat has been designed by Peterpaul Forcher. It’s difficulty is  low intermediate. It makes a good challenge for people that already fold models like the Origami Crane with ease. Any kind of origami paper can be user to fold this Goat. You need to divide the sheet into thirds, so either you need tools like a ruler, or have a similar way of doing division in the paper. In the tutorial video, one “pure origami Way” to do this is demonstrated.

About the Designer

Peterpaul Forcher worked as a Teacher of Mathematics in Lienz, Austria.  He was an early and active Member of the German Origami association „Origami Deutschland e.V.“ . His Origami Models almost always have a clear geometric construction. His later work, which consisted of collages, gained him recognition as a serious artist. Many exhibitions followed. The “masters of origami” exhibition in Salzburg, Austria being the biggest. Most of his models remain undocumented or unpublished, a small collection of diagrams can be found at the homepage of Carmen Sprung  He died on the 28th of May in 2006 aged almost 60 years.

origami companion cube

How to make your own origami companion cube from portal

image of the origami companion cube

image of the origami companion cube

This companion cube is  the traditional waterbomb with a special skin applied to it. you can download the pdf template here.

Design traditional
Material quadratic sheet
Difficulty easy
Time to fold about 7 minutes



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Origami Mouse Instructions

Origami Mouse

image of a mouse in origami diagram style

Design  traditional
Material one quadratic sheet of paper
Difficulty easy
Time about 7 minutes

This tradtional fold is based on the “fish-base” one of the four common traditonal origami bases. The Origami Crane, for example uses the “bird-base”. It is an easy fold as it only uses simple folds and two inside-reverse-folds.

I like the Mouse for it’s simplicty and comic look. it’s definetly not as expressive as Joisel’s famous Rat, but it is also so much easier! You can instantly tell that it’s supposed to be a mouse and you will be able to fold it right away

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Origami Frog folding Instructions

Origami Frog

green origami frog


Design  traditional
Material one sheet sheet of paper,
Difficulty easy
Time about 10 minutes


The origami frog is a traditional model that is very easy. In fact, it is the very  first model I learned. So I can safely recommend it for beginners. It takes about five minutes to fold. Once you practiced a little how to fold this jumping frog you will be able to fold it much quicker.

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